Sunday, October 14, 2012

Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch

Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Kat #1) by Gini Koch ~V^^^V

I hope to review this whole series soon. I have a few other things on my plate right now but just as soon as I can I will give you my thoughts on the rest of this series, for now here is book 1. 

I liked it and am anxious to continue with the series. However I can't go above 3 stars because I felt like most of this book was an info dump. Now don't get me wrong I completely understand the need to set up the world, explain the aliens and the bad guys. That was not my issue, I do feel like I have a through understanding and I assume the information won't repeat in the next book, or at least not to the same detail. I just felt like it took to much from the action of the story. When the action happened it was intense, detailed and fantastic. It should be fun reading where "Kitty" goes from here, for which I am anxious to begin. ~Michelle 

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