Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cassandra Palmer Series by Karen Chance

Cassandra Palmer Series by Karen Chance ~V^^^V

Touch the Dark ~V^^V
I can't say I loved it. The whole time I was thinking, is this another Anita Blake? Honestly I can see where it had similarities, yet I know its a different story. I am still trying to sort out all that occurred so I can safely say I am still a little lost. Cassandra seems like an interesting enough character I think I was put off by the info dumps and the analogies, there were a LOT of them. I am going to stick with it as plenty of series hit their rhythm after a book or two. Overall it was an OK book.

Claimed by Shadow ~V^^V
I will admit this was a little more interesting than the first. However it again seemed to center around Cass's sex life. There was far too much fixating on that. Other than the sex life, I can tell you that I found this to bad as gory as any early Anita Blake. I think I gagged a handful of times. Beyond that I can't tell if Cassandra is embracing her power or still trying to hide from it. I can't tell which guys are bad or good and the time jumping is leaving me all kinds of screwed up. I am grateful for less info drops in this book. I am going to keep going with this series and see if I can sort it all out.

Day of the Dead ~V^^^V
An interesting side story about Thomas going after her former master. A free read on Karen Chances website, it is only about 25 pages, check it out. 

Embrace the Night ~V^^^V
I was really hoping that we could get off the will they or won't they and with whom train on this book. Sadly that was not the case. While Cassandra did try to put an end to the spell that was placed on her at 12 she still let people (creatures, whatever) push her around too much. I was also upset that there still tends to be so much side story. Cassie will get distracted often and we get endless info dumps before she gets back to her conversation or whatever she was doing. I have to say that is getting on my nerves. I am going to read all the novellas before I read Hunt the Moon. Hopefully those will be a little faster paced.

Curse the Dawn ~V^^^V
Is this Anita Blake's second life? GAH! OK here is the thing. I am a fan of romance, therefore I am not a fan of love triangles and women loving men whole treat them like shit most of the time. Also although I am a fan of Erotica I am NOT a fan of gratuitous sex. There needs to be a point, damn it. OK, now that I have that off my chest I can tell you that so far this series is just not endearing itself in my heart. Cassandra has so much potentional but she seems to have some major issues. Its not just the men in her life trying to "take" care of her its her need to have others take care of her. Assert yourself Cassie so I can have something to look forward too. If this was another vampires ruling the world story it shouldn't have been named the "Cassandra Palmer" series.

A Family Affair ~V^^^V
A short story that should only be read in order and with some experience from the series already. There are quite a few spoilers. That said it is an excellent look into Pritkin's head.  This is available free on Karen's website or from smashwords.

Hunt the Moon ~V^^^^V
I have to say this was my favorite thus far in the series. For once I didn't really feel like the Cassie was going to far into her head all the time and forgetting to respond to people around her. I liked the developments with her parents and Pritkin. I was of course very bothered by her relationship with Mircea and still can't seem to understand why she just excepts the was he is. I am hoping the Cass with assert herself more in the future and quit allowing others to brush her aside "for her own good". Barf! Man up Cassandra and kick some ass.

The House at Cobb End ~V^^V
This novella was really just an answer to a fan question. I really didn't feel it had any baring on the story as a whole. It was OK. ~Michelle 

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