Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Some of my stranger books Part 3

Aliens by Judith Herbst ~V^^V
I liked the presentation of the alien abduction stories. I also enjoyed some of the background information on hypnosis and such. Another thing that I think is important is downplaying the scary to children. However my biggest issue was that most of the book discredited all alien life. Personally I find that to be very disappointing in a book titles "Aliens". ~Michelle 

The M-Files: True Reports of  Minnesota's Unexplained Phenomena by Jay Rath ~V^^^V
Some interesting reports relating to Minnesota unexplained phenomenon. Mostly I found that the UFO report information showed me how easily people can mistake natural occurrences as "UFO". Some of the stories were pretty ridiculous, in my opinion, but still fun to read. I found it really interesting that one "cult" in particular quoted the end of the world date as December 21, in light of recent theories, this is a little scary. My only complaint is that the book is outdated, a updated publication would be super. ~Michelle

Alien Investigation: Searching for the Truth about UFOs and Aliens by Kelly Milner Halls ~V^^^^V
This had a nice balanced presentation of information. The book has a "can you imagine" story from an Alien perspective to follow along with the facts. Presents several stories of Alien and UFO encounters from around the world. There is excellent photographs and illustrations as well as various expert Q & A.~Michelle 

Atlantis (Unsolved Mysteries) by Ann Margaret Lewis ~V^^^V
I am giving this 3 stars because the last chapter had interesting information. Sadly most of the book was discrediting Atlantis stories and while I agree that you shouldn't lend ears to the ridiculous. I just really felt there should have been a little bit more in the way of possibilities. Overall it was a good book. ~Michelle 

Alien For Rent by Betsy Duffy ~V^^^V
How much trouble can two third graders and one pint-sized alien get into? Plenty, as well as plenty of slapstick fun!

It's just an ordinary school day when third-graders Lexie and J.P. see an unusual sign on the bulletin board. In silver letters that seem to float on the paper it says: Alien for Rent: Two Gugentocks Per Hour. Definitely weird.

Before Lexie and J.P. can find any aliens, Bruce, the fifth-grade bully, finds them. When he tries to punch J.P., Bruce freezes in mid-swing, glows green, and floats off the ground. What on Earth is happening?

The answer is not actually from Earth. His name is Bork, and Lexie has accidentally rented him for the price of two gugentocks--a.k.a. Twinkies. Just what other "good deeds" has Bork done for Lexie? And how will they undo them? Anything is possible when a junk food-loving alien comes for a visit!

Pretty cute. Its a story about watching what you say and working together. The alien is not what the kids expect, and again that is a lesson judgment. ~Michelle 

The Ancient Alien Question by Philip Coppens ~V^^V
I have torn how to rate this book and decided it really is a 2.5, not quite 3 stars but more than 2. Here is my reasoning. I have read several of Erich von Daniken's books previously so a lot of this was not new insight to me. Though some of it was pretty much explained away in this book. Some evidence was new to me and it is more up to date than Daniken's early works so the fresh eye was nice. So it gets lower review for having a lot of old evidence and a higher rating for the newer. AT the same time I have to stop the book from getting an excellent review in that there is really no insight into Coppen's opinions. I can see how people think he is both pro Ancient Astronaut Theory and Anti. There is really no conclusions in the book, yes I know that is because there is no refutable evidence. However a little insight into his personal opinion would have been appreciated. In essence I feel like a spent several days reading a book with no point. Here is opinion A and here is opinion B, blah,blah, blah. Leaving me feel as though I really didn't learn anything at all. I have however been introduced to some new ideas and subjects to look into. ~Michelle  

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