Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday 56!

About the Friday 56

  • Grab the book nearest you.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like).
  • Don't go for your favorite book. THE CLOSEST.

This week's is only 4 words long, so I'm definitely posting more than that sentence only. :)

Harvest Hunting - Yasmine Galenorn
Chase shook his head. "Never mind. Leave it for now. They're pretty. Lovely, really. You are growing more and more into your father's side of the family, aren't you?" Before I could answer, he continued, "I'm sorry about the skunk, but the smell will go away, won't it?"

*snort* Oh, Delilah. *shakes head* lol

1 comment:

  1. “Yes, I can be, and I intend to.” He leaned casually against the table, reaching out
    to run his fingertip down her arm. Now she wished she’d worn her suit jacket,
    because the touch of his skin against hers had her thoughts scattering like leaves
    on a windswept day.
    -Fall Fury by Jaci Burton
