Monday, February 27, 2012

The Darkest Seduction Reviewed

The Darkest Seduction By Gena Showalter (Lords of the Underworld #9) ~V^^^^V

I will not do spoilers so that you can read it all unhampered. I will tell you however my thoughts.

First of all Gena's note at the front of the book pretty much covered it. Paris has had a pretty rough go of it in this series and clearly there was a lot of ground to be covered. Therefore this book was pretty long but at no point would I say it was boring. The beginning of the story is pretty dark, as you have read to this point Paris is in a bad why. I felt a little put off from him at the start but as soon as Sienna made an appearance things really started moving along. The couple had a lot issues and seemed to almost avoid them. So I wondered if this book would be all fluff. Never fear there is so much going on that it is a page turner. There were major many plot developments with other characters, which kept me hooked. In fact one of my thoughts was that this series seems to have taken on an Urban Fantasy flair merely because of all of the side stories. This can only be a good thing, in my opinion. Now as to the happy ending, I can honestly say I really did not see that coming. I loved the ending and can't wait to see what happens with Kane, Legion, William, Gilly and those others I don't want to give away yet. HAPPY READING! ~Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. the plot developments as you put it, made it very interesting as the ending. and the new characters. But I'm more interested in Zacharal's book.
