Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Spotlight

Naked Werewolves Series by Molly Harper

How long has it been since I mentioned my love of all things Molly Harper? Ok well here it is, I LOVE her Naked Werewolves. Well not quite as much as I love her Jane Jameson series but none the less these books were a riot as well. So get your butt out there and purchase or reread them ASAP.

Reading Order:
How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf
The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf

Naked Werewolf Series by Molly Harper~ V^^^^^V
I am a huge Molly Harper fan. I stumbled across her Jane Jameson series at the library one day and gave it a shot. WOW, loved it, and was laughing the whole way through. Since I had so loved that series I was excited to see that she had a new one coming out. I preordered my copy of How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf and was thrilled when I received it a few days early. So about this book, Mo is a riot full of quips and quick comebacks, she was raised in a commune by hippy parents, leaving a hysterical history to read. I think some of my favorite lines are Mo’s generalizations of all werewolves. All the characters in Grundy are likeable and I found myself quickly rooting for them. The best news is we only have a little over a month wait for book 2 in the series. 2 Books to Date

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