Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday 56!

About the Friday 56

  • Grab the book nearest you.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like).
  • Don't go for your favorite book. THE CLOSEST.

In celebration of my Birthday...I have decided to fore-go the 'nearest book' requirement and instead grabbed the first in one of my all time favorite series. :) If you haven't tried them, yet, I highly recommend them! You'll laugh, cry, go WTF? and everything in between.

Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison

Everything was spelled. I could touch nothing. God help me. I was under an I.S. death threat.


  1. Bound, Branded and Brazen -Jaci Burton

    "But Valerie assured her sister she’d done
    the right thing by coming to get her. There was no way to know how bad Mason had been hurt,
    and like a lot of ranching men, Mason would have tried to brush her off no matter how bad the
    injury was.
    They all thought they were impervious to serious injury."

  2. Hmmm...Sorry to say that I'm not so tempted by that entry Michelle...Good thing I know Jaci doesn't disappoint! *wink*

  3. Ashes of Midnight by Lara Adrian

    "Andreas," Claire said from behind him. "Please, stop this. The library is my space. It's private. You won't find anything important in---"
